When making the choice to appoint a guardian or conservator, work with experienced legal professionals.
A court appointed guardian protects the interests of a debilitated individual, if they are unable to negotiate their will or estate. Courts require the support of a conservator when the holder of a will cannot manage their finances. It can be a tricky dilemma to appoint a conservator who acts in the best interest of a family's financial security. Not only does Holland Law Group specialize in this practice, but we go the extra mile for Northern Arizona residents to ensure the wishes of the estate holder.
Distinctions Between Guardians and Conservators
Many of Holland Law group's Northern Arizona clientele are confused by the distinction between guardian and conservator. The difference between these two roles are very important if a loved one has become recently debilitated and cannot look after their estate or will. Essentially, a conservator is appointed when a court intervenes and mandates a ward. This situation happens if an individual is critically injured and cannot express their wishes. The role of a guardian has more agency from family members to select a ward because the estate holder can critically reason. If either of these situations arise, look no further than our firm for your family member or friend to retain control of their estate.
Holland Law Group Offers Security and Relief with Guardian Law Services
When possessors of wills and estate age and perhaps lose their critical reasoning skills, Northern Arizona citizens may feel reluctant to reach out to an attorney for outside help. The situation can become extra complicated with multiple relatives receiving a chunk of an estate. The role of a guardian minimizes conflict and tension about the interests of a disabled or sick family member. If a person is unable to look after their estate, it is best to hire one of our attorneys to safeguard their finances before the condition worsens. Relatives and friends may intervene without the help of a legal guardian to preserve the integrity of a person's wishes regarding their will. The role of a guardian is multifaceted with protecting funds and estates.

Our Lawyers are Adept with Managing Wills and Estates
A common question from our clients pertains to how much control an attorney has over a debilitated individual's will or estate. A guardian can fulfill a range of financial responsibilities—including social security paychecks, earnings from stock investments, and other income sources. Holland Law Group provides the full package with managing finances according to an estate holder's requests. If a minor is appointed a conservator or will receive an inheritance portion, we can assist with this scenario. The power of an attorney can aid with the enormous responsibility of managing a friend or family member's will or estate.
Whether an elderly parent needs preliminary financial consultation, or the situation is more complex, Holland Law Group can situate wills and estate and lead to long-term security. Acting in the best interests of our clients and minimizing court intervention is one of our focuses with guardianship. If the situation requires a conservator, we work closely with Northern Arizona residents to preserve the integrity of wills and estates.